New Mint Splash Soaps

Save 15% on August Oils
Aspire Essential Oil Blend


LeAspire is used to bring relief from colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, respiratory congestion, allergy symptoms, deep pneumonia, pleurisy, asthma, and flu that have settled in the lungs. LeAspire has proven effective in eliminating snoring when diffused or applied.

Information provided by Butterfly Expressions LLC
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Connection Essential Oil Blend


LeConnection has a delightful aroma which is centering, grounding, and emotionally balancing. This is a good oil to diffuse or wear when life has become too crazy and overwhelming. This blend can assist us in rebuilding our confidence and faith in our ability to cope, even under these stressful circumstances.

Information provided by Butterfly Expressions LLC
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Insight Essential Oil Blend


This blend is useful to release negative emotions from the past, whether the memories are conscious or not. A child should be able to put their trust in the adults in their lives. When this trust is betrayed, there is often deep rifts in the psyche. Le Insight is often used in Inner Child work to reconnect fragmented parts of a personality or soul.

Information provided by Butterfly Expressions LLC
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Fir Sibirica Essential Oil

Fir Sibirica

Fir is excellent during the recovery stage of serious illness, whether the illness is of the body, the mind, or the spirit. Like all conifer oils, fir is an immune and endocrine stimulant. It is often used to treat urinary infections and remove deposits from the lymphatic system. Fir essential oil is excellent for muscle pain relief and to loosen muscles before strenuous exercise.

Information provided by Butterfly Expressions LLC
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Lime Essential Oil


Lime essential oil is a perfect choice for the very weary - those who are so weary of trials and troubles that they feel far older than their years on earth would indicate. Good oil for improving memory and concentration. Lime stimulates the immune system to increase the production of leukocytes that aid in fighting infections. Often used for exhaustion and depression.

Information provided by Butterfly Expressions LLC
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Rose Geranium Essential Oil

Rose Geranium

Rose geranium is for those who feel burdened by, or resentful of, the necessity to work so very hard. Rose geranium can benefit those who have found themselves in a real position of never-ending work, with no rest, no pause, and maybe even with very little reward. Rose geranium stimulates the lymphatic system, relieving congestion and pain throughout the body.

Information provided by Butterfly Expressions LLC
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Sneak Preview

August Collections
Save 10% on Bottles & Supplies
Save 10% on Dry Herbs

April Sales
Save 15% on Victory
Save 15% on Lemon Scented Tea Tree

Almond Carrier Oil Special
Achievement Kit
Achievement Kit
For students, teachers, athletes, or anyone needing a mental and emotional boost. Whether you are going to school, sending your kids to school, working, raising a family, teaching home school, going through a change in your life, or struggling with the changing of the seasons, this kit can help you and your family. This is an amazing kit for anxiety, helping you deal with pressure, and boosting your ambition. It will help you reach your goals. It helps us be healthy, stay focused, and allows us to learn easier, making school fun, safe, and the best it can be for every student. It comes with sample bottles making it convenient to send oils to school with your kids, or keep in your purse or pocket.

Click to read kit insert Information provided by Butterfly Expressions LLC