Save 15% on May Oils
Emerge Essential Oil Blend


This blend was made specifically for the gallbladder and liver, though it has an affinity for the entire digestive system, kidneys, and pancreas. LeEmerge can be used as a very effective liver and lymphatic cleanse. It discharges toxins from the liver and blood, and dilates the bile ducts, decongesting the liver and aiding liver, gallbladder, and kidney function. LeEmerge can aid in passing gallstones, and is beneficial for jaundice and other liver disorders.

Information provided by Butterfly Expressions LLC
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Seasons Essential Oil Blend


LeSeasons Essential Oil has a special affinity for the respiratory system. This oil is amazing for clearing out the sinuses and opening the nasal passages. Wonderful for relieving sinus headaches. LeSeasons was created to deal with allergies, particularly seasonal allergies, but is also helpful when fighting a cold. Has a light airy energizing aroma. When worn benefits not only the wearer but also those around them.

Information provided by Butterfly Expressions LLC
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Vision Essential Oil Blend


LeVision is designed to help us see ourselves more clearly, discover our misperceptions, and grow from our mistakes. LeVision can help us see our own path and our own worth more clearly. Clears the mind, reduces anxiety and stress levels, restores inner strength, and improves decisiveness. LeVision is often helpful with insomnia and, applied to the abdomen, is useful in the early treatment of gallstones.

Information provided by Butterfly Expressions LLC
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Eucalyptus-Blue-Mallee Essential Oil Blend


Eucalyptus is energizing and promotes feelings of steadfastness and confidence in oneself. The aroma of eucalyptus can help us release resentment calmly, without the usual explosions of temper and hostility. Eucalyptus, diffused, purifies the air. Eucalyptus is useful for bronchitis, colds, flu, asthma, and any problem in the respiratory system. Eucalyptus is one of the best oils for bringing down a fever. Eucalyptus alleviates mental exhaustion and stabilizes blood sugar levels.

Information provided by Butterfly Expressions LLC
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Howood Essential Oil


Howood is emotionally uplifting to the mind. It promotes alertness and clarity, but is relaxing and refreshing at the same time. Howood is especially nice when added to a bath. Howood can prepare our minds and spirits for emotional, spiritual, and energy healing work. Howood calms the nerves and is an antidepressant. Howood is a cellular stimulant and regenerator (cytophylactic), much like helichrysum. This makes it a very valuable oil, especially for the price.

Information provided by Butterfly Expressions LLC

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Tangerine Essential Oil


Tangerine encourages us to reach out to others with kindness and compassion. Tangerine is a very pleasant sedative. It soothes all types of hyperactivity, in the body and the mind. Tangerine can have a substantial effect on anger, depression, and impulsive behaviors. Tangerine has been proven effective against a species of bacteria which is responsible when wounds become septic. Tangerine oil contains components which kill bacteria and stop it from spreading.

Information provided by Butterfly Expressions LLC

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May Collections

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Save 10% on 3-oil Kits
Save 10% Miracle II Products

Save 15% on Away
Save 15% on Frankincense Sacra

Rosehip Special
Grab N' Go Tinctures Kit